Have a Dog or Cat? Tips for Organizing Your Pet’s Toys

StorageArea Organization

If you have a dog or cat, you know how messy your home can get, especially when your pet pulls out all of the toys from the basket. In addition to their toys, you need to think about how to organize their treats, medications, and other pet supplies. In this article, we will go over some tips to help you …

Grandma or Grandpa Moving In? How to Prepare Your Home for the Elderly

StorageArea Moving

Knock-knock! Grandma and grandpa have just arrived at the door and guess what? They are moving in. This can be both a positive experience, but also a stressful experience if you are not prepared for their arrival. Since elderly people are more prone to slips and falls, you need to make sure that your home is elderly proofed before grandma …

College is Officially Over! What to Keep and What to Toss

StorageArea Organization

Congratulations! College is officially over and now you can start to relax. But, wait! You still need to clean out your dorm room before you head home. When it comes time to clean out your space, you may be unsure of what items you need to keep and what items you need to toss. While it is entirely up to …

4 Things You Need to Know about Storage Auctions

StorageArea Self Storage

Storage auctions are a real thing and not simply something that happens only on the television. In fact, storage auctions occur when tenants stop making payments on their storage unit. The storage facility is able to lock the tenant’s unit once they miss a single month of payment. If the tenant does not pay the amount due within a certain …

4 Myths about Self-Storage Units

StorageArea Self Storage

If you have never rented a storage unit before, you may have heard a myth or two and you may have a misconception about the entire idea. Unfortunately, many people hear and believe the things they hear and they are simply not true or partly incorrect. Below, we will go over some of the top myths about storage units and …

Top 3 Moving Mistakes Made by Procrastinators

StorageArea Moving

If you are a procrastinator, then you know that waiting until the last minute is not always the right plan. If you have a bad habit with this, it is something that you want to work on to avoid when it comes to your moving day. Below, we will go over some of the most commonly made mistakes by those …

Questions to Ponder BEFORE You Move

StorageArea Moving

Many people find themselves moving from home to home until they find the perfect one to settle down in. Moving constantly can be stressful on everyone involved in the move. Before you head out and make the move, make sure that you ponder the following questions.