Nursery Storage Solutions for Small Spaces and Tight Quarters

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Did you know that babies need a lot of stuff? If you didn’t, you do now and if you are limited on space, you may find yourself constantly stepping over diaper boxes, packs of wipes, and wondering where you placed those cute onesies you bought last week.

While babies do require tons of items, you still need to figure out how to make it work when you are working with a small space. Below, we will provide you with some awesome nursery storage solutions for those tight quarters.

Add an Extra Rod in the Closet

If you have ever looked in the closet, there is always one rod for you to hang clothes on. Everything below that rod is free space and let’s face it, you likely are not going to be storing any big enough items in there to take up that space.

Adding a second rod in the closet beneath the first one will provide you with additional space to hang up your child’s clothes. And the best part? You will still have extra room for shoes with the second rod installed.

Dresser and Changing Table Combo

Who needs a dresser AND a changing table? You can save space and maximize the space you have by turning the top of your child’s dresser into a changing table for them. All you need is the changing table pad and voila!

Ditch the Doors

Yep, you read that right – it is time to ditch the doors. When you are already working with a small space, opening a door can close the room in even more and you may find yourself having to rearrange things just to get the door open.

To prevent this, simply remove the doors and then hang a curtain to close off the space to the closet or the entrance to the room. Simple enough, yet, it makes a HUGE difference.

Utilize the Space Under the Crib

Just like you have space under the bed, there is a lot of unused space under the crib. Make use of this extra space with some bins or rolling crates that you can place underneath. You can store everything from extra blankets to additional packs of wipes down to toys.

Get a Mini Crib

Mini cribs are lifesavers for those who do not have a lot of space. A full-size crib takes up A LOT of room and when you are limited on space, you just can’t justify it. Your baby’s comfort is important too, so a mini crib is the perfect compromise for space and comfort.

One of the nice things about mini cribs is that they come in an array of colors and you do not have to sacrifice the look or style for the sake of the space either.

Don’t Worry About Space Again

With the above nursery storage solutions, you will never have to fear the space you have to work with again. Space in the nursery, even when limited, is all about compromise and you can make it work in your favor.

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