How to Inventory Your Home Before a Move

StorageArea Moving

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Moving day is fast approaching and that means you need to start taking inventory of your home. This is not a fun process, especially if you have a lot of items inside of your home. Before you panic, use the steps below to help you quickly and easily take inventory of the belongings inside of your house or apartment.

  1. Create a List and Start Going Through Your Items

You need to make a list first and foremost. The list can be a spreadsheet on the computer or a piece of lined paper in your notebook. Once you have the list ready to go, start to write down your items. The easiest way to do this is to go room by room and create a list by room.

You need to write down all of the important information about your items such as the make and model or manufacturer, price you paid, condition of the item, and attach any receipts or proof of the purchase.

  1. Grab Your Camera

Once you have made a list of your items, you need to take pictures of them for documentation purposes. For every item that you listed, take a pic. You will definitely want to have this information handy should you need to contact the insurance company.

  1. Get Rid of Items You Don’t Need

Now that you have a basic inventory of your items, start to get rid of items that you do not need or do not want to take on the move with you. You can toss the items out, donate them, or even sell them. You want to spend some time decluttering your home and determining whether or not you will truly use the items that you have inventoried. Often, people find that they are afraid to give away their items because they are attached to them. If you start to perform your inventory early before the move, you will be able to spend time coming to terms with the items that you are having a hard time getting rid of.

  1. Make Sure Your Insurance Covers Your Items

Before you move your items, make sure that your insurance policy will cover all of the items. You do not want to pack everything up, have an accident, and find out that your insurance won’t cover them. You can call your insurance company and submit the inventory list for them to review. If an item is not covered, your insurance company will let you know.

If you are not looking forward to the inventory process, you are not alone. Many people do not like to do it, but it is something that must be done, especially if you want your items to be covered. If you do not have the time to perform the inventory, consider hiring a professional moving company to handle it for you. While it may cost you a little bit of money, it will save you time and stress.

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