New to Town? Easy Ways to Meet Your Neighbors (Infographic)

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It can be so hard to meet other people in the neighborhood when you don’t know a soul. Consider breaking the ice with those who live next door by doing some of the following activities.

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These items are low-key and less abrasive ways that you can show the neighborhood that you moved in, even without having to talk to anyone!

  • Decorate Your Front Door
    • Making your front door inviting and warm is a great way to show neighbors that you have moved in and are friendly.
  • Add Your Name to the Mailbox
    • A great way to ensure that the mailman knows who you are (as well as nosey neighbors) is to add your last name to the mailbox. Use stencils or stickers for best long-term use.
  • Take a Walk
    • Grab the family and walk around your neighborhood to learn more about who lives around you. Getting out of the house casually shows anyone who sees you that you are a new face and the exercise is a bonus!
  • Spend Time in the Front Yard
    • While your new backyard may be beautiful, spending time out front is an easy way for neighbors to see that you have moved in.
  • Hang a Flag or Banner
    • Are you a fan of a sports team or identify strongly with a certain cause? Hanging a banner or flag on your new home is a great way to share a little bit about yourself and invites like-minded people to say “hi” next time you are out.
  • Stop by a Yard Sale
    • Neighbors who have a yard or garage sale are just waiting for you to stop by! Look through the sale and strike up a conversation with the seller.
  • Start with a Wave
    • If you see anyone out and about while heading to your car or getting the mail, simply pop your hand up for a friendly (yet unintrusive) wave.

Use Kids as a Buffer

Children often make friends easier than us adults. If you have kids, use them as an excuse to meet others with these ideas.

  • Go to the Local Park
    • Take your kids to the park for some much needed exercise and an excuse to meet other families. If you see that your child is engaging with a specific child, introduce yourself to the parent to help break the ice.
  • Sign Up for Sports
    • Get your child involved in the local soccer or T-ball league. Not only will they learn a sport, but you’ll be forced to sit with other parents you don’t know (yet) and meet new people!
  • Get Involved in Local Clubs
    • Many neighborhood churches and schools have after school programs that are great for meeting new people. Get involved in a club with your kids and engage in your community.
  • Attend Storytime at the Library
    • Many public libraries hold storytime or other programs for children under 5 years old. Attend one of these events to meet other parents and kids in the area.
  • Don’t Forget Fido!
    • Many of us perceive our furry little friends as children anyway, so consider using them as a buffer as well! Take them for a walk or check out the local dog park to meet others who enjoy dogs as well.

Be Extra(vertedly) Bold

For those of us who don’t mind talking to strangers, consider these bold ideas that may make your introverted partner or kids cringe.

  • Knock on Doors
    • Introduce yourself to the neighbors, especially the ones that you share a fence line with, by knocking on their door one night. Bring along the whole family and chat for a few minutes with light introductions.
  • Ask for Advice Directly
    • Moving to a new house may mean that you have questions about the area, weather patterns, or even identifying that strange bush in the yard. Use a question like this to help break the ice with a neighbor who probably knows more about your house than you do.
  • Take Neighbors Baked Goods
    • Bake some goodies and make a plate to share with neighbors that you haven’t met yet. Make sure to deliver them during non-business hours or on the weekend if you have trouble catching them at home. Cover the goodies and include a small note to leave on the doorstep in case they aren’t home.
  • Host a Holiday Party
    • Use the next upcoming holiday, like Memorial Day, Independence Day, or even Halloween as an excuse to hold a party. Make it fun and invite those neighbors that you’ve met or those that you want to get to know. If you have a pool, invite others during the summer to cool off as well.
  • Attend Community Events
    • Many neighborhoods and communities have local events throughout the year. Make sure to attend these events to get to know those in your area (and have some fun!).
  • Offer Some Help
    • If you see that a neighbor is struggling to move in some furniture, jump start a car, or needs other help, consider lending a helping hand.
  • Invite Neighbors Over for Dinner
    • Be bold and invite a neighbor over for dinner to get to know them better. Make sure to invite them for a specific date and ask them to bring dessert if they ask to bring something. Make the evening casual and laid back to help make it less awkward. Inviting two couples or families that already know each other well in the neighborhood could also help break the ice.

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